And the tube itself and the grid (if it has no protective coating) should handle the anti-corrosive composition. Poles are installed as usual on distance of 2-2.5 m from each other. Angular bearings and adjacent to the gate and gate pillars reinforce the special braces that prevent their movement during the stretching of the grid. Then, with a steel pin and wire rod which is attached to a pole, attach to the outer pillars of the grid. Metal cable (or steel wire), passed through the extreme upper and lower rows of cells spanned by Special eye-bolt. After that, the two lines of rope fastened to each intermediate pole. Canvas grid, typically with a length of 10 m and a width of 1.5 meters can be connected into longer strips. To this end, each segment of remove the extreme vertical annealed by rotating and pulling it in the longitudinal direction.

Cloths are laid rabitsy near the ground and removed a piece of wire is connected to each other, screwing it in such a way as to alternately to capture cells of each segment. But keep in mind that work with long blades rabitsy complicated. To facilitate the task of making the fence rabitsy, you can buy ready-made sections, consisting of a grid mounted on metal frame. In this case, the need to strengthen the pillars of braces disappears. You can make yourself and such passage: from metal parts cook frame, and attach it to the grid. This can be done at by welding, and fasten to the frame rabitsu ordinary wire thick sections.